Samaritans Brazil News
Samaritans Brazil News
Lessons and Israeli Samaritan History
The Israeli-Samaritans
Introduction to A Series of Chapters:
We have already approved the name "Samaritans" The writer who speaks to you is aware of the weight of the responsibility he takes upon himself to explain a fundamental issue in the history of the Jewish people, which takes readers to the roots of one of the most ancient peoples of the world. This series of chapters is designed to explain a complete explanation of ancient history, culture, language, and tradition in a broad study of Israelite-Samaritan tradition. Once a week, every Monday. First, the author makes it clear that the term "Samaritans" is not an original term. It seems outside the Bible, where it is mentioned once, for the first time in the writings of the Assyrians, the conquerors of the Kingdom of Israel, who in the days of the kings of the "House of Omri" distinguished between "Yehudim" AND "Shomronim", also called Kingdom of Samaria, as well as after the name of the central region of the kingdom of Israel - Samaria = Shomron, and the name of the capital of the kingdom - Samaria = Shomron. For hundreds of years, from the beginning of the 8th century BC to the 4th century BC, the Samaritans in the kingdom of Samaria and the Jews in the Kingdom of Judea were named geographically. Later, from the 3rd century BC onwards, due to the great argument that has not yet ended regarding the place of choice for Shehmaa - the Regates or the Temple Mount in Jerusalem, after the development after the Torah and Mount Gerzelim of the Torah, The Mountain of Blessing. These epithets were given by each community a separate religious identity to this day. The Israelites, descendants of the kingdom of Israel, did not adopt the term "Samaritans" and continued to identify themselves to this day, as the "Children of Israel keep the truth" of the Torah, the Torah of Moses and just these "Five Books of Moses" . Two communities that became two peoples Since the third century BC, the two communities of the Israelite people, the Jews and the Samaritans, have behaved as separate national groups, sometimes fighting against each other, defining themselves as a "people" with an ancient historical tradition, written and Language. They justified themselves in being called "people", because from the ancient era of separation between them, they placed kings and leaders, scholars and commentators, physicians and architects. So the definition of the two communities is examined, and they can, in most generations, feature high priests and leaders, and there are different versions of the Torah from the Torah of Moses to this day.
Benyamin Tzedaka