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Lessons and Israeli Samaritan History

The Israeli-Samaritans

Lesson  3

Let's read the eight paragraphs of the creation of the world from the book of Genesis. we recite  at the beginning of each prayer, during the week, Shabbat and Festivals.

First in modern Hebrew, then in ancient Hebrew in phonetic writing;  translated into Portuguese. The original Hebrew text is according to the Torah version in the hands of the Israelite Samaritans.


Benyamin Tzedaka


(בראשית פרק ֵבְּר ִאשׁית, בָּרָ א ִ אֱהים, ֵאת הוֹם תְ הוֹם הוֹם רחֶפֶת ַעל . 'al faanee toohm urooh Eloowwem amrah'efaat 'al faanee ammem. uyaaoomer Eloowwem yaaee orr uyaaee orr, uyehreh Eloowwem it aa'or kee tob, uyabdel Eloowwem bin ekuara qaa'or yaa'or. ereb uyaaee behqar yom 'ahd.) 

Genesis 1 1- In the beginning, Eloowwem created the heavens and the earth. On earth it was like chaos, and darkness on the face of depth; And the spirit of Eloowwem, manouvring in the face of the waters. 3 And Eloowwem said, Let there be light; And there was a light. 4 And Eloowwem saw the light, that it was good; And Eloowwem distinguished between light and night. And Eloowwem called light by day and darkness by night; And there was a night and a morning, a day. ִ


(ם ַ ִ ַ יע בְּתוֹ וּבין (Uyaaoomer Eloowwemyaaee aeqee aftok ammem uyaaee mabdel bin mem almem. Uyahsh Eloowkem eloowkem it ahryabke bin ammune, ammem uyaaee mabdel bin mem almhar. , uyaaee kan. Uyikra Eloowwem laarkee shaamem. Uyaaee ereb uyaaee behqar yom shehnee.)  (6. And Eloowwem said, There shall be a heaven in the midst of the waters, and I will separate it, between water and water. 7. And Eloowwem made heaven, and was separated between the waters that were below the ground, and between the waters unto heaven; And it was so. 8. And Eloowwem called the firmament, heaven; And there was a night, and there was a morning, a second day.)

ַ(בָּשָׁ ה אֶרֶ ץ וְתרָ יַ -בוֹ -הָ ה ה - ִפְּרי ַרְ א ִ . ashshaamem almaaqom 'ahd utirraaee ayyabbaasha uyaaee kan. Uyikra Eloowwem alyabbaasha aares, walmaqwaa ammem qaaraa yaammem. uyehreh Eloowwem kee tob.uyaaoomer Eloowwem tedehshee aares deshah esheb mazreeg Zerah, Wis feeree' aashe feeree alminoo eshaar zehrahoo boo 'aares al, uyaaee kan. utoosee airs deshah esheb mazree zerah alminehoo. Wis 'ahshee feeree eshaar zerahoo boo alminehoo, uyehreh Eloowwem kee tob, uyaaee ereb uyaaee behqar yom shehleeshee.) (And Eloowwem said: The waters come from heaven to a place, and behold the earth; And it was so. the land of the earth, and the waters of the sea were called seas: And Eloowwem saw that it is good... 11. And Eloowwem said, The land shall be tilled, and the land shall be sown with seed sowing, and the fruit of my fruit it shall be my fruit, in which the seed shall flow upon the earth. And it was so. 12. And the earth shall be made a heifer, sown for sowing, and a tree of fruit where they sowed, to fill it: Elowwem saw that it was good 13. And there was a night and a morning, a third day.)


(ַיֹּאמֶ ר ִ וְשָׁ לְמֶ על יְהי-עֶרֶ ב ו (Uyaaoomer Eloowwem yaaee maaoorot barqee ashshmem laaer 'al aares ulaabdel bin ayyom ubin alleelah. Waayyoo lootot walmoowwadem walyaamem ushehnem. Waayyoo almaoweualem ashshmem laaer 'al aares ulaabdel bin ayyom ubin alleelah. Waayyoo lootot walmoowwadem walyaamem ushehnem. aggaadallem, it ammaaor aggaadol almamshaalaat ayyom wit ammaaor aqqaataan almamshalaat alleelah wit akkookaabem. uyitten ootimma Eloowwem barkee ashshaamem laaer 'al aares ulehmsha uballeelah, ulaabdel bin aaoo ubin aashek. yehreh Eloowwem kee tob, uyaaee ereb uyaaee behqar yom rehbee.) (14. And Eloowwem said, There shall be lights in the firmament of the heavens, to shine upon the earth, and to scatter between day and night; , and days and years. 15. And they shall be cast down into the heavens, that they might be light upon the earth; And it was so. 16. And Eloowwem made the two great lights: the great light, the day reign, and the small light the night and the stars. 17. And Eloowwem shall give them light on the earth in the firmament of heaven.18. And the day before and the night, and the day of light, between light and darkness; which is good. 19. And there was a night, and there was a morning, a fourth day.) ִ


(בְרָ א ִ אֱהים, אֶת-ִם, שֶׁ רֶ ץ נֶפֶשׁ נֶפֶשׁ ַחיָּה ץ ַה וַיֹּאמֶ ִ אֱהים ִ ִ אֱהים-- י ַרְ ֹתָ ם '. al faanee arqee ashshmem uyibraa Eloowwem it attaaneen or aggaadallem wit wether naafesh' yishrehsoo ammem shehres naafesh 'ayyaah yahffef uoof' al aares aayyaa eshar shaaraasoo ammem alminiyimma, wit wether oof kaanef alminehoo / uyehreh Eloowwem kee tob Uyehbarrek ootimma Eloowwem Limor:. Fehroo urehboo umehlaaoo it ammem bayyamem waoof yirbee baares, yehreh Eloowwem kee tob, uyaaee ereb uyaaee behqar yom Emishee.)  (20. As Eloowwem said, “Water shall flow out to the soul of life.” And it shall be scattered upon the earth, upon the face of the firmament of heaven. 21. And Eloowwem created the great crocodiles; He desired on his right hand, and the flying wing to name it, and Eloowwem saw that it was good. 22. And Eloowwem blessed them, saying, Boil and multiply, and fill the water with the seas, and the multitude shall multiply in the land. 23. And it will be late, and it will be morning, the fifth day.)


ַ( ַעשׂ ִ אֱהים אֶת ִ אֱהים, תּוֹציא הָ , ִכּי- טוֹב. כו וַיֹּאמֶ אֱהים , ֵ גת ַהיָּם א א , -כָּל- ֵעשֶׂ זריע -פְּנֵי כָל-הָ אָרֶ ץ, וְאֶת- כָּל ֵעץ ַת הָ אָרֶ ץ -עוֹף ַה ַשָּׁ מיִ ם וּלְכ ֹל ֵ - הָ אָרֶ ץ, אֲשֶׁ ר- אֲשֶׁ ר-בּוֹ ִפְרי- ֵעץ, ֵזר ַ יע ַזָרע: לָכֶם יִהְיֶה לְאָכְלָה. ל וּלְכָל- ַחיּ ַרְ א ִ אֱהים אֶת-כָּל-אֲשֶׁ ר עָשָׂ ה, ִ וְהנֵּה-טוֹב מְ אֹד; וַ ִ יְהי-עֶרֶ ב וַ ִ יְהי- בּוֹ נֶפֶשׁ ַחיָּה, אֶת- כָּל-יֶרֶ ק ֵעשֶׂ ב לְאָכְלָה; וַ ִ יְהי- ֵכן. לא וַיּ ב ֹקֶ ר,) (Uyaaoomer Eloowwem toosee aards naafesh 'ayyaa almina, bimmah urehmesh wayyaat Aires almina uyaaee kan. Uyahsh Eloowwem it 'ayyaat aares almina wit abbimma almina wit kaohmesh almina Eloowwem kan. Aadam afsaalaamaanoo ukaademootaanoo, uyirdoo afdeget ayyaam uboof ashshaamem ubabimma wafkal aares ufkal arrehmesh arroomesh 'al aares. uyibra Eloowwem it aadaam afsaalaamoo, afsaalaam Eloowwem baaraa ootoo zaakaar unaaqaabah baaraa otimma. uyehbarrek ootimma Eloowwem uyaaoomer lehmma Eloowwem, feroo urehboo umelaaoo it aares ukehbaashoowwa, urehdoo afdeget ayyaam uboof ashshamem wafkal arraamshet 'al aares. Uyaoomer Elloowwen inna natattee laakimma it kal esheb zaaree zerah eshar 'al faanee kal aares wit kal eess ess ess eshar boo feeree eshar essal zaaree zaaree walk aares walk. aares, eshar boo naafesh 'ayyaa' it kal yereq esheb laakaalah, uyaaee kan. Eloowwem it kal eshaar 'ahsha wenna tob me'od, uyaaee ereb uyaaee behqar yom ashshishshee.)

(24. And Eloowwem said, Let the land give life to the Kzins in the land, and the land, and the life of the land, on their right hand, and yea. 25. And so did Eloowwem make the beasts of the land for their types , and the beast for its types, and all the land of the land on its right hand: Elowwem saw that it was good. 26. And Eloowwem said, Let us make man in our image and in our qualities; on the birds of heaven, and on the earth, and on all the earth, and on all the beasts that were grazing on the earth. 27. And Eloowwem created man in his image, in his image, in the image of Eloowwem, he created him : male and female he created them. 28. And Eloowwem blessed them, and Eloowwem said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth and conquer.” And control the fish of the sea, and the birds in the sky, and during all life, and all the beasts that are in the earth.” 29. And Eloowwem said, I have bestowed upon you every seed of the seed that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree that is in it seed seed; because you will be the food. 30. And to all beasts of the earth, and to all birds on the earth, and to all the earth in the earth, with which the life of the beast on earth shall be for you to eat; And so it was. 31. And Eloowwem saw all that she had made, which is very good; And there was a night and there was a morning, the sixth day.)


(Chapter two: 1. And the heavens and the earth, and all their hosts were complete. 2. And Eloowwem completed his work which he did on the sixth day of his work; And dwelt on the seventh day, from all that he had done .. 3. And Eloowwem blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: for in it dwelt all his work, which Eloowwem created.)

(ד ֵאלֶּה . בָ אָרֶ ץ עָפָר (Illa tooldaat ashshaamen waares) behbaaraaimma, abyom .'aashshot Shehmaa Eloowwem shaamem waares, ukal shee ashshaadee have yehyyee baares, ukal esheb ashshaadee have yaasmah', kee laa aamter Shehmaa Eloowwem 'al hada waasha mana waah aa waah a waah waah a waah waah waah waah waah a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a wa a. Uyaasaar Shehmaa Elowwem it aadaam 'aafaar 'aafaar man aadaamaa, uyabba babbo nashemat 'ayyem) (4. This is the story of the heavens and the earth, when they are created : On Eloowwem day heaven and earth. 5. And all the plants of the field never was yet and all the herb of the field never grew yet, and a man was not yet serving the land. 6. And a vapor went out of the earth into the water all the faces of the earth. 7. And Shehmaa created man from the sand of the earth, and with the breath of life was breathed into his nose; And man was made a living soul.

Text Attached: ancient Hebrew text)

Benyamin Tzedaka

Bennyamin Tsedaka


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