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The Count of the Omer

mer  or Sephirat  mer  (ספירת העומר ) is the name given to  score  of the 49 days or seven weeks between Pesach and Shavuot

Counting the Samaritans 

Deuteronomy 16: 8 - 17

8 Six days you shall eat unleavened bread. And on the seventh day there will be a feast for Shehmaa, your Eloowwem. You must not do any work.

9 seven weeks you counted  by itself. From the moment you start putting the scythes in the grain, you will start  counting seven weeks.

10 And thou shalt make the Feast of Weeks for Shehmaa, thy Eloowwem, in honor  a voluntary offering of your hands  what  you will give to  Shehmaa, your Eloowwem who blessed you.

11 And you shall rejoice before Shehmaa, your Eloowwem, you, your son and your daughter,............ your slave, your handmaid and the Libee who is at your gates, and the proselyte and the fatherless and the widow who is in their midst, in the place where Shehmaa, their Eloowwem, chose to dwell His Name there.

12 And you must remember that you were slaves in the land of Missrem. And you must maintain and fulfill these statutes.

13 You will have the feast of the huts seven days after you gather from your threshing floor and your barrel of wine.

14 And you will rejoice at your feast, you, your son and your daughter,.........  his slave, his slave, and the Libee, and a proselyte and an orphan, and the widow that's at her gates.

15 seven days you celebrated  a feast to Shehmaa, his Eloowwem, in the place that Shehmaa, his Eloowwem, chooses. Because  Shehmaa, your Eloowwem will bless you in all your products and in all the work of your hands. And you guys have to be cheerful.

16 Three times in a year, all his men will appear before Shehmaa, his Eloowwem, in the place He has chosen at the Feast of Unleavened Bread, the Feast of Weeks, and the Feast of Huts. And they will not be seen standing before Shehmaa empty-handed.

17  Every man will give as he can, according to the blessings of Shehmaa, his Eloowwem, which He has given him.

15 And ye shall count to yourselves from the day following the sabbath, from the day you brought the offering bundle  moved, there will be seven full Saturdays.
16 You will count fifty days on the day close to the seventh Sabbath, and present a new grain offering to Shehmaa.
17 From your dwelling you shall bring bread for a wave offering, two loaves made of two tenths. They will be of fine flour, cooked with yeast as first fruits for
18 And with the bread you will present seven sheep a year old, without blemish, and one bull from the flock, and two complete rams. They must be a burnt offering
to Shehmaa, with its grain offering and its drink offerings, a burnt offering of sweet smell to Shehmaa.

Leviticus  23:15 - 18 

Omer count  Israeli Samaritan in Brazil We count, from 49 days,  for 7 weeks after the 7 days of unleavened bread from  Pesach, until we reach  Shavuot, which celebrates the bestowal of the Torah on Mount Sinai and the ripening of the wheat harvest and the first fruits of summer.


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